The Importance of Sleep for Proper Muscle Recovery
Posted by Monica Kramer on June 26, 2024
We often hear different takes on what the correct formula for optimizing fitness outcomes is, and what will have the most significant impact on reaching the goals we have set out to achieve. Two components that are talked about a lot are finding a fitness routine that suits one’s individual needs and diet. These can feel like big aspects to juggle, especially when one is starting on a new lifestyle change.
As we go through that process and learn more about working out and the kind of exercise we enjoy, we dig deeper and discover what a proper exercise routine consists of and what routine best fits our individual goals and lifestyles. We can also learn about how eating a healthy diet of nutrient-dense foods while getting optimal macronutrients for one’s needs can tie into those goals.
As you may have discovered, or will discover, getting into the swing of a workout routine is incredibly rewarding. You may notice many positive benefits - such as a loss of body fat mass, an increase in muscle mass, strength increases, endurance improvement, better cognitive function, and an increase in energy.
On top of those benefits, exercise may also aid in mental mood improvements. According to Fulghum Bruce, PhD, research has shown exercise is an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression due to the release of endorphins in the brain. Overall, there are many benefits that make the lifestyle change rewarding.
Yet, some parts of a fitness routine pose potential challenges. A specific challenge I will focus on is recovery. Recovery from the workouts we complete is when the progress happens, and our bodies rebuild muscle fibers.
Resistance training on a cellular level causes trauma to muscle proteins. This “prompts cell-signaling messages to activate satellite cells to begin a cascade of events leading to muscle repair and growth” (Young sub Kwon, M.S. and Len Kravitz, Ph.D, n.d.). One of the most significant determiners of proper muscle recovery is consistently getting optimal sleep.
I am sure you all hear about the importance of sleep for cognitive function, longevity, and overall health. Very few people argue about the importance of sleep, and no one tends to complain when they get a good night’s rest. Therefore, we can agree that sleep is essential, and it makes sense that sleep plays a significant role in our fitness performance and muscle recovery.
Muscle is capable of recovering well from injuries and tears because of its plasticity. However, significant molecular changes are required to allow damaged cells to recover or be replaced by new cells (Dattilo M, Antunes HK, Medeiros A, Mônico Neto M, Souza HS, Tufik S, de Mello MT, 2011). Those molecular changes happen while we sleep and human growth hormone (HGH) is released, contributing to the body’s ability to recover. Disrupted sleep lowers human growth hormone (Mary Anne Dunkin, Alyson Powell Key, 2024).
Sleep also plays a crucial role in maintaining muscle mass when weight loss is one’s goal. A study found that participants in a caloric deficit lost weight, but in different ways. One group that got 5.5 hours of sleep per night experienced about 25% of their weight loss as fat. On the other hand, the second group, which got 8.5 hours of sleep per night, experienced over 50% of their weight loss as fat. In conclusion, more muscle mass was maintained in the participants getting adequate sleep. Therefore, if your goal is to lose weight that is predominantly fat, then consider that proper sleep will be a contributing factor.
The length of sleep needed per individual varies from person to person. The estimated adequate amount of sleep is approximately 8 hours. However, athletes need even more rest due to the overload on their muscles, requiring 9-10 hours of sleep (Brown 2017). Therefore, remember that, especially if you are just starting a new fitness routine, the amount of sleep you require may change due to the overload on your body.
A fitness routine and adding more intensity to your workouts is terrific and keeps you striving after your goals. Still, it is vital to remember that recovery is a huge component and that we need adequate recovery to avoid feeling more burnt out from exercise instead of energized. If we can put significance on all aspects, including workouts, diet, recovery, and proper sleep, we can ensure we optimize our fitness routine. We will also be left feeling better and seeing results potentially quicker due to prioritizing sleep every night, giving our bodies what they need for optimal muscle recovery.
Bruce, D. F., PhD. (2022, April 1). Exercise and depression. WebMD.
How do muscles grow? (n.d.).
Catlett, J. (2021, February 3). The relationship between sleep and muscle recovery | Bodyset.
Nedeltcheva, A. V., Kilkus, J. M., Imperial, J., Schoeller, D. A., & Penev, P. D. (2010). Insufficient sleep undermines dietary efforts to reduce adiposity. Annals of Internal Medicine, 153(7), 435.
Dattilo, M., Antunes, H., Medeiros, A., Neto, M. M., Souza, H., Tufik, S., & De Mello, M. (2011). Sleep and muscle recovery: Endocrinological and molecular basis for a new and promising hypothesis. Medical Hypotheses, 77(2), 220–222.

Monica Kramer
Monica Kramer is a Personal Trainer at the Rochester Athletic Club. She is entering her fourth year at the University of Minnesota Duluth studying psychology. Monica has loved her first year at the RAC working as a personal trainer and can’t wait to see where this job takes her in the future!
Contact Monica Kramer